It is important to use the right dose of Kratom. A dose higher than recommended can cause nausea and vomiting. A lower dose will not produce the desired results. You must measure your tolerance, and then take kratom in accordance with that. The measurement is different for each person. I will show you how to measure the correct kratom dose for yourself.

Beginner kratom consumers are unaware of the importance of doses, as this herb is not yet classified. Here are a few things that a new kratom consumer should know before I get into the technical aspects of measuring kratom doses.

Start small and build up slowly

You do not know what your tolerance is. Each person has a different tolerance to kratom. Some people feel euphoric after 3 grams, but others find that even 8 grams doesn’t work. Others feel nauseated after taking just 1 gram. Beginners should avoid taking large kratom doses. If you don’t get the desired results from a lower dose, increase it slowly. The best way to increase the dose is by 0.5 grams.

Avoid taking kratom with an empty stomach

If you consume any substance on an empty stomach, it will have a much more powerful and quicker effect. Never take kratom with an empty stomach. Some people have experienced nausea after taking kratom with an empty stomach. This is not something we would do for experienced kratom consumers. Many users report stomach irritation, acid reflux, heartburn and vomiting after taking kratom with an empty stomach.

In some forums, we have seen that some users claim to experience a stronger effect when they take kratom with an empty stomach. We urge you to never do this and to not believe any such claims. We are concerned about your safety.

Learn more about your strain

Kratom has different effects. It is important to know how each strain differs and what its effects are. Here is a brief description:

Red vein: Most popular, suitable for beginners. You will feel calm and relaxed. It is mildly sedating and improves mood.

White vein:Can replace coffee. It increases concentration and energizes your body. It should never be taken before going to sleep. It is a stress reliever and internal refresher.

Green Vein:It’s a mixture between the white vein and red vein. It has a mixed effect and is used for pain relief.

Bali, Indo and Maeng Da kratom are also names you may have heard. The name of the area where the kratom was grown. Bali and Indo Kratoms come from Indonesia. Maeng Da Kratom is a Thai product.

Only select high-quality Kratom

Many people and businesses are selling kratom due to its high demand. Some sell it for half the price as the popular brands. There is a catch. Our investigation revealed that many of the new cheap kratom vendors are selling Kratoms of low quality, and are mixing in other harmful substances, to make the product stronger. Be very cautious about these sellers. It is an unregulated industry, and some sellers try to make money selling low-quality Kratoms. Low-quality kratoms do not have the desired effects and can be dangerous as they lack food safety. Our kratoms have been lab-tested. is a safe place to buy kratom. is one of the best kratom suppliers on the market. Their business policy is very transparent.



The Measurement

Let’s move on to the next step: measuring. There are several ways to measure Kratom dosage. Not all methods work. It is easy and popular to use a measuring spoon. This method is not perfect. We are not conducting scientific research. Up to 20% error margin is acceptable. Most measurement spoons on the market do not exceed 20% error.

Digital measurement equipment will give you the precision that you need. A very high-quality measurement device can be found for less than 50 USD. The digital weight machine would be our recommendation if money is no problem and you intend to use Kratom for a long period of time.

Kratom, if used properly, can do miracles. In forums, we sometimes see negative comments from Kratom users. In 99% of the cases, our investigation revealed that the negative reviews were from beginners who did not take the correct dose. Many users also buy low-quality Kratoms. When they do not get the results they expected from these low-quality and harmful products they blame the entire Kratom industry. In our earlier article, we mentioned a kratom manufacturer that is well known. You will not regret using Kratom if you follow the instructions and do not compromise on quality.

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