You’re now one day closer to your big surgery.

But it doesn’t need to be so stressful. It’s important to prepare yourself before surgery. Post-operative rehab can help you recover from your surgery.

You can reduce your anxiety by reading this advice.

Ask lots of questions

You are your best advocate when it comes to preparing yourself for an operation. Take an active role in your treatment and health. Your doctors are not your parents or teachers, they are here to help you. Engage in a serious discussion with your doctor to help them.

Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if you have any questions or concerns. Do not hesitate to ask questions if you are confused. You literally have your life on the line, so you should be informed about what’s going to happen.

Talk About Your Lifestyle

You need to be educated about your health, just as you do. Your nurses and doctors should also be educated on your lifestyle. This includes any medication you take (prescription or over-the-counter), your diet, how much you exercise, and other issues that you might not have thought were serious.

You may not be aware of other medical conditions, even though you think your symptoms are “no big thing.”

Plan for Post-Op Life

Even if you don’t experience any life-altering effects from your surgery, rehabilitation can still help you get back to where your were before. This is true in the period immediately following your surgery. You may need to make some major changes in your everyday life. Early planning and preparation can be made easier if you know what to expect.

You may have to change your sleeping arrangements temporarily, take time off work or ask a caregiver or friend for daily help. If you will be using any special equipment, such as an oxygen tank or wheelchair. It may be necessary to rearrange your furniture to make room for it.

Relax and Enjoy Yourself

It’s not the surgery itself, or the aftermath. It’s waiting. Surgery isn’t scary because it always involves some risk. The above steps will increase your chances for success and avoid complications.

It’s normal to be anxious, but as the date of your operation approaches, you will probably become more so. Find a relaxation method that suits you. It could be self-distraction or meditation. Or you can talk to someone about your feelings. Do your best to maintain your emotional health. It is as important as physical health.

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